Use Your DAF to Engage Family in Philanthropy This Holiday Season

Dec 01, 2023 |

The season of giving is upon us! For many Brighton Jones clients, this means thinking about how you can extend your generosity beyond your family and friends through donations to organizations that make a positive impact in our community and around the world.

Here are a few ways you can use your donor-advised fund to make year-end giving inclusive and meaningful for your family.

Donation gift cards

Many DAF platforms enable account holders to give charitable gift cards. You can elect a specific dollar amount that the gift recipient can use to recommend a grant to the nonprofit organization of their choice. This is a simple and empowering way to engage your family and friends in a practice of generosity at no additional cost to you or to them. Explore Fidelity Charitable’s Gift4Giving to learn more!

Collective year-end giving

Gathering for the holidays? Invite nominations for organizations to be included in your family’s year-end giving! You could ask each nominator to share the reason they picked their organization, hold a vote to select one winner, or even host your own Giving Game – by giving everyone voting tokens and tallying up the votes to donate a percentage of your year-end giving to each organization.

Look back & look forward

As you think about 2023, we invite you to request a DAF report from your Brighton Jones advisor so you can review your giving trends. Take a look at how your giving has lined up across sectors like education, health, environment, or human services – and then consider what your philanthropic portfolio might look like in the coming year. Are there things you want to help to preserve or change in your community? Does each member of your family have an area of interest they’d like to focus on in 2024? It’s a great time to set goals for how you will engage with your time, talent, and treasure in the coming year.

Align your wealth with your values, passions, and purpose

Your Brighton Jones team wants you to live a richer life, and we believe that aligning your wealth with your values, passions, and purpose is one way we can help. Reach out to your advisor today to talk about how we can support your family this holiday season and in the year ahead.

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