10 Money Questions Every High School Student Should Answer

Jul 19, 2018 |

Football 2 Finance: Financial Empowerment for Young Adults

How prepared are your kids to make sound financial decisions? Children and young adults often aren’t exposed to critical money management lessons in school today. This reality means far too many of our community’s future leaders will reach adulthood ill-prepared for the financial hurdles that await them in life.

That’s why we’re excited to invite your children and young adults to attend our second annual financial education workshops for high school students next month. The series is led by our very own Jed Collins, CFP®. There’s no one better than Jed to explore these topics and connect with young adults, as he witnessed his former peers in the NFL struggle with finances on a regular basis.

jed collins

Jed will guide participants through key principles, including the building blocks of budgeting, credit, and taxes. See below for an outline of the curriculum and further details:

Workshop I | Dollars and Sense
Wednesday, August 15 | 6:00-8:00 p.m.

  • Why do I care about money?
  • Where is my money going?
  • What is the secret of the wealthy?

Workshop II | Putting Money to Work
Wednesday, August 22 | 6:00-8:00 p.m.

  • How do I begin to protect myself from cyber threats?
  • How do I begin to use the banking system?
  • How do I invest?

Workshop III | Taxes and Credit: What You Need to Know
Wednesday, August 29 | 6:00-8:00 p.m.

  • What is the first way people break the “Golden Rule”?
  • Why do I pay for something I don’t use?
  • How much will I be taxed?
  • Tax-deferred vs. tax-free

Students who join us for the entire series and complete the accompanying course material will receive a Brighton Jones financial education certificate.

Register your high schooler for the upcoming workshops.

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