What You Can Do Right Now to Help Those Most Affected by Coronavirus

Mar 24, 2020 |

how to help those affected by coronavirus face mask production

UPDATE: Brighton Jones is rallying support for United Way of King County’s coronavirus relief fund. Donations help provide food and housing assistance to those affected by the outbreak. Please consider contributing toward our goal of raising $10,000.

While we come to terms with the many new realities facing us as individuals, families, and a global community, we’ve been touched by how many people have reached out to see how they can help the populations most immediately affected by the coronavirus outbreak. While the situation is rapidly evolving, we are monitoring how to help through three primary channels:

Funding Medical Needs

Medical professionals across the country are facing a disturbing lack of personal protective equipment to keep themselves safe while treating patients, in addition to shortages of critical equipment such as ventilators. Global rapid response organizations like DirectRelief and Flexport are actively engaging to get gear to those on the front lines. You can also check with your local hospitals or health care system, such as UW Medicine or UCSF, to see the specific needs listed on their websites.

Supporting Vulnerable Populations

Communities that are experiencing unexpected lost wages and school closures are especially vulnerable to hunger and unstable housing. Even with some states implementing eviction prevention mandates, emergency rent assistance will be necessary to keep families in homes. Check with your local food banks, community foundations, or youth programs to see what their needs are. Some places to check on in Brighton Jones markets and beyond are:

Seattle: All In Seattle and United Way Community Relief Fund

Portland: Portland Homeless Family Solutions and Oregon Community Foundation Recovery Fund

San Francisco: Tipping Point Community

Scottsdale: Valley of the Sun United Way

Denver: A Little Help

Washington, D.C.: DC Central Kitchen

National: GiveDirectly

Global: MSF

Sustaining Existing Non-Profits

As many resources necessarily deploy to emergency assistance, and the economic impact results in reduced donations, the non-profits that serve as the cornerstones of our communities face significant funding shortages. If you can continue as a partner to the organizations that you’ve been supporting, please do so!

Feel free to reach out to our philanthropy team with specific questions or ideas on how to help those affected by the coronavirus.

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