School’s in Session: Online Finance Workshops for Young Adults

Sep 14, 2020 |

online finance workshops for young adults

COVID-19 has upended lives in countless ways. Everything from work to travel to how we connect with loved ones looks radically different than it did six months ago. Education is no exception.

Parents, teachers, and community leaders across the country face the daunting challenge of guiding students through a school year amid a pandemic. While some districts forge ahead with remote learning, others return warily to some form of in-person instruction. Tough questions around public health, internet access, and special needs remain unanswered.

And we are no strangers to these problems—many Brighton Jones team members are parents preparing for an unprecedented academic year. We know firsthand the importance of education, and want to do our part to support parents and young adults looking for useful resources in the months ahead.

With that in mind, we hope you enjoy our new personal finance workshops for high school and college students. The recorded webinars, part of our Teach Me Money! curriculum, cover essentials like budgeting, credit, student loans, and much more:

Basic Budgeting Workshop for High School Students

Personal Finance Workshop for College Students

Read more on our blog:

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