Volunteer Guesthouse Takes Shape in Kenya

May 02, 2017 |

“To change the world we must be good to those who cannot repay us.” 
Pope Francis

Construction of the Brighton Jones Global Services Guesthouse is underway!

With $100,000 in gifts as of May 1, we are pleased to announce that we have begun construction of the Brighton Jones Global Services Guesthouse in Kajiado, Kenya.

The guesthouse will provide urgently needed accommodations for volunteers who support two amazing organizations:

  • The HELGA Maasai Girls Rescue Center, a safe haven where Maasai girls can escape early marriage, female genital mutilation, and unwanted pregnancy in order to pursue education
  • The Kajiado Childcare Center (KCC), an organization that rehabilitates, educates, and empowers children with disabilities to reach their full potential in life and gain self-reliance and dignity

volunteer guesthouse kenya Superstructure construction on the Brighton Jones Global Services Guesthouse

Student Highlight: Amos Koitakat Musanka

Amos Koitakat came to KCC in 2009 after he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy hemiplegia. Since then, he has received long-term rehabilitation and education at the center. Amos requires physiotherapy exercise every day to strengthen his muscles so that they do not degenerate. Without support, he could not have afforded to attend school since rural schools are often a long away from home. Although Amos is the only member of his family who has attended school, he is a good student and wants to be a teacher when he grows up.
volunteer guesthouse kenya children

Outside of school, Amos loves playing soccer—although he would say “football”—and he is a very social child. Once the guesthouse is completed and the volunteer sourcing plan takes effect, he will greatly benefit from the services. With the assistance of both education and rehabilitation, we believe he has a better chance of living a richer life.

Our Focus on Compassion

Late last year we began making happiness and compassion a more central and visible part of the Brighton Jones Way of helping people live richer lives. Building a volunteer guesthouse in Kajiadois a large part of this effort. We have engaged countless individuals from across our greater community in the effort to reach of our goal of $150,000. If you are interested in joining us in our first Global Compassion Project, learn more and donate. Helping HELGA Maasai Girl’s Rescue Center and Kajiado Childcare Center is an act of compassion, and research shows that compassion increases our own happiness and enriches our lives as well as the lives those receiving our support.

Find Your Happy

volunteer guesthouse kenya brighton jones calendarIn an effort to live the Brighton Jones mission statement of helping others live richer lives, we have been studying the science of happiness. Through our study, we have discovered a powerful finding: happiness is a skill. Our 2017 Find Your Happy Calendar, featuring our own Ambassador of Happy, Stitch Jones, was created to put a smile on your face while helping you put the science of happiness into practice in your life. Our calendar features 12 practices designed to help you develop the happiness skill and make it a habit. Request your calendar today.


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