Chris Hoffa, CFP®, CPA

Advisor | Washington, D.C. | 703.215.4371

How do I help our clients live a richer life?
My life goal is to have a positive impact on the world and those around me. It is what drives me on a daily basis. As an advisor, my goal in helping clients is to make sure that they feel heard. By doing so, our team enables them to live a richer life by creating a plan based on their unique circumstances and values. I am here to help.

How do I spend my time outside of Brighton Jones?
Rock climbing, playing video games, working out, and watching Survivor, baseball, and esports. I am a very hobby-oriented person, and spend most of my time working to get better at whatever I am doing at the time. I love the feeling of constantly improving and being able to push past whatever is in front me. I also love to compete and hope to be on the TV show Survivor. Catch me on CBS on Wednesday nights in a few years!