Corinne Salera, CFP®

Lead Advisor | Minneapolis | 415.653.8912

How do I help our clients live a richer life?
As an advisor, I understand financial decisions can be very overwhelming. My goal is to simplify the options for clarity, peace of mind, and confidence in a path forward. The less stressed you are about your financial wellbeing, the more time and energy you can spend on what is truly important—your richer life.

How do I align my time and money with my values and passions to Live a Richer Life?
By being with the people and pets I cherish most – my husband, daughter, and two Bernese Mountain dogs. I find joy in our family walks around the neighborhood and nearby lakes/trails. Thus, I embrace my love of the outdoors and physical wellbeing. Traveling, diligently reading for my Book club, listening to personal development podcasts, and volunteering as a financial coach and professional mentor are other ways I am aligned. I am constantly working to improve and show up as my most positive, balanced, and reliable version.