Heather Thiessen

Financial Alignment Manager | Seattle | 206.258.5045

How do I help our clients live a richer life?
I love connecting with people in deep and meaningful ways on any aspect of life that is foundational. Money isn’t everything, but it is a powerful tool that can help unlock possibility and potential. As the Financial Alignment Manager, I have the honor of being the first point of contact for prospective clients, getting to know them and their unique needs before connecting them with a Personal CFO team. The Brighton Jones approach is all about aligning passions, purpose, and wealth to help clients live a richer life, and I love being a part of that exciting process from the very beginning.

How do I align my time and money with my values and passions to Live a Richer Life?
Living a Richer Life means being fully engaged and living an energized life full of excitement and vibrancy. I often say I need to “get out of my head and into my body.” I enjoy doing that most by combining my health and wellbeing values with my passion for dancing. Another way I align my values and passions is through hosting. Nurturing my relationships and providing the opportunity for meaningful connection energizes me, and I love getting creative in the kitchen and preparing a meal to share with friends and family. I also love seeking adventure by traveling near and far and sharing the novelty of exploring new things with my husband and our son.

Articles by Heather Thiessen

How to Compare Financial Advisor Fees