Lesley Kalso

Senior Client Service Associate | Seattle | 206.258.5027

How do I help our clients live a richer life?
I take great care in providing exceptional service to our clients while building long-term, trusted relationships. Every client we are fortunate enough to work with has diverse needs and passions, and it’s my job to make sure I am doing everything possible to enable them to live their richer life.

How do I align my time and money with my values and passions to live a richer life?
I am committed to living a life of honesty, dedication, and hard work. Whether at work or home, I show up every day with a drive to be helpful and collaborate with others while creating a fun environment. Being a strong role model for my daughters as a wife, mother, volunteer, and woman in the workforce is important to me living my richest life. Our family loves exploring local trails & parks, traveling, and supporting our kids’ sports & local community.