Lily Kaneshige

Marketing Associate | Seattle | 206.258.5189

How do I help our clients live a richer life?
A good story, told by the right person, can be life-changing and can shift an entire perspective on the way things are. My purpose and service goal to clients, is to be able to show how their unique experience can be elevated and told more effectively with the help of a good storyteller. Brighton Jones is just that. This company utilizes people like me to help amplify voices of different communities, and to help all types of people live more joyfully.

How do I spend my time outside of Brighton Jones?
Outside of Brighton Jones, I am an avid photographer and equestrian. I have always loved sports and have used my talents to engage in many ways. As a photographer, I travel across the country to photograph different sporting events. As a competitor, I venture across the country competing at the highest levels on horseback. I keep myself busy and love a good adventure.