Vanessa McClure

Director of Fidelity WAS Partnership | Seattle, Chicago | 206.258.5102

How do I help our clients live a richer life?
I help companies, families, and individuals who are looking to work with an advisory team get to know Brighton Jones. I commit to creating a positive, informative, memorable experience as clients explore partnering with our team to achieve their financial goals.

How do I align my time and money with my values and passions to Live a Richer Life?
I love creating lasting memories with the people I care most about: my husband and two young boys, my extended family, and our broad circle of friends and neighbors. I’m passionate about supporting the American Lung Association’s mission to eliminate lung disease and protect clean air. Carving out time for yoga and physical exercise keeps me grounded, gives me a space to reflect with gratitude, and reminds me to be present for all the other parts of my life so I can be a dedicated teammate, friend, mother, and partner.