How Amazonians can use Estate Planning for Financial Well-Being

June 10, 2022

Brighton Jones and Connect@Amazon are partnering to host financial wellbeing seminars to help Amazon employees make smarter decisions when it comes to RSUs, corporate benefits, and their bigger picture financial plans.

While just about half of Americans have a will, a rising number of people, ages 18 to 34 and 35 to 54, are engaging in the estate planning process, according to a report by The Wall Street Journal. The goal, WSJ reported, goes beyond protecting personal assets and property. It’s about control.

In this webinar, presented by Brighton Jones lead advisor Jesica Ray and Brighton Jones estate planning advisor TaraLynn Reinhart, you’ll learn how to complement your financial goals, investment plans, and Amazon benefits with a coordinated plan for your estate.

After attending this session, you’ll understand where to start and what to consider in an estate plan, especially when building wealth is a priority, including:

  • How to align the phases in your life with your estate plan
  • Key factors to consider in your financial and estate planning
  • How to begin putting an estate plan in place

Meet your presenters

Jesica Ray, CFP®

As a Lead Advisor in our Washington, D.C. office, I help to provide guidance to our clients on the East Coast through expertise, analysis, and execution. On top of that, we help individuals and families go beyond the balance sheet and help with identifying philanthropic passions, crushing personal goals, and taking a deeper look into what financial wellness and happiness looks like for them. I believe in being a fiduciary for clients, which means that we sit on the same side of the table as them, not bound by conflicts of interest.

TaraLynn Reinhart, JD

As an estate planning advisor, I guide clients through important life events and help them align their estate and legacy planning with their current and future circumstances and priorities. Whether it’s starting a family, selling a business, creating a charitable foundation, or ensuring their loved ones are secure, I thrive on understanding what each client needs to live a richer life and providing them an individualized framework to achieve that goal into future generations.


Jesica Ray, CFP®

Lead Advisor

TaraLynn Reinhart, JD

Estate Planning Advisor

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Reach out to learn more about how our comprehensive approach to wealth management can help you achieve your goals.