Women, Money, and Reclaiming Your Power

March 9, 2022

What do neuroscience, psychology, and neuroplasticity have to do with money?

As it turns out, everything.

For many women, money is a source of stress and dissatisfaction rather than a tool for creating a more meaningful life. The landmines that can arise at the mere mention of investing, spending, and saving are often internal. It’s the habits we learned as children, the fears that consume us, and sometimes even ambivalence to our own self-worth. The Truth is, problems with money are never really about money.

Join Barbara Huson, author of Rewire For Wealth and the leading authority on women, wealth, and power, in an interactive workshop presented by Women Living a Richer Life.

You’ll learn how to train your mind to rewire your brain, enabling you to break through your mental blocks and form new, healthier habits around wealth building.

Ahead of this event, be sure to read Rewire for Wealth: Three Steps Any Woman Can Take to Program Her Brain For Financial Success. The book is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Indiebound, and through public libraries and local bookstores.

Barbara was featured on Brighton Jones’ True WELLth podcast discussing “Women, Wealth & Power”.

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