Standing at the Crossroads of Life and Wealth

By Matt Camrud, CFP® | Jan 08, 2018 |

If our mission is to help our clients live a richer life, we must support our clients in ways that extend beyond financial wellbeing.

Happy New Year! As I look at the year ahead, I couldn’t be more excited about the work we’re doing here at Brighton Jones. Our commitment to helping our clients live a richer life has never been stronger, and the scope of that commitment continues to broaden.

Financial wellbeing and serving as your Personal CFO continues to be at the core of our company. It’s in our DNA and will always be foundational to our service offering.

But for the majority of those who possess wealth, the realization occurs pretty quickly that there’s more to life than balance sheets, investment portfolios, and estate plans. Wealth creates a tremendous foundation, but we yearn for so much more—a rich life full of love, happiness, strong relationships, a sense of purpose, and ultimately a desire to leave a legacy.

If our mission is to help our clients live a richer life, and we’re truly being honest with ourselves about what that means, we must ultimately support our clients in ways that extend beyond financial wellbeing.

In the coming months and years, we will be sharing more about this evolution of Brighton Jones through individual conversations, programming, events, articles, and other resources.

May the new year be filled with good health, continued prosperity, and most importantly, happiness.

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