Debra Shapira

Impact Lead Advisor | Seattle | 206.258.5151

How do I help clients live a richer life?
I advise and educate Brighton Jones clients on how to align their passions with strategic, trust-based philanthropy. I leverage my expertise in the social impact sphere to help our clients articulate their philanthropic vision and engage in impactful relationships with the causes and organizations that inspire them. By creating meaningful connections—between philanthropists and nonprofit leaders, among family members, and within the community—our clients’ philanthropic portfolios can create lasting change.

How do I align my time and money with my values and passions to Live a Richer Life?
I am driven by a commitment to equity and a desire to create joy for my family and friends, myself, and my local and global community. In my work at Brighton Jones, I am privileged to use my time to guide my colleagues and clients toward meaningful experiences of generosity that level the playing field for communities and ecosystems worldwide. At home, I seek to model kindness and respect for my young children authentically, to create joyful experiences with family and friends through food, music, and adventure, and to dedicate our extra resources toward efforts that lift the lives of others.