Jens Madsen

MESI Coach | Seattle | 206.258.5053

How do I help our clients live a richer life?
Helping our team live a richer life is part of the foundation for helping our clients live a richer life. I get to support our team in the pursuit of happiness and continuous growth to reach their full potential. We use Brighton Jones’ own Mindfulness-based Emotional and Social Intelligence (MESI) program in conjunction with curiosity, open-mindedness, vulnerability, empathy, and compassion to foster a culture of continuous improvement. These skills empower all of us to respond more thoughtfully and purposefully to whatever life throws our way.

How do I align my time and money with my values and passions to Live a Richer Life?
The values that guide me the most are curiosity, connection, and play. From a long line of Danish farmers and teachers, I find a lot of meaning and purpose in learning something new every day and having a deep connection to the earth. This comes alive through my love of baking, gardening, and spending time outside – preferably close to or on the ocean. Education is another passion of mine, and I am grateful that I got to volunteer for organizations that promote access to quality education and job opportunities for everyone.