Jack Price

Associate Advisor | Seattle | 206.258.5119

How do I help clients live a richer life?
As a member of the Personal CFO team, I strive to build solid and withstanding relationships with clients in order to understand the various ways to help them live a richer life. I am grateful to have the in the position to cultivate these authentic relationships that will contribute to their financial and personal wellbeing for years to come.

How do I spend my time outside of Brighton Jones?
Outside of Brighton Jones, I love getting outside and seeing the natural beauty of Seattle. As someone who is a Seattle native, I always appreciate and try to take full advantage of all the offerings of the PNW. Whether that be going to a Mariners or Seahawks game, hiking, fly-fishing or discovering new restaurants and bars with friends, getting outside in Seattle is something I continually love and am in awe of!